1.There's clouds in the sky, meaning possible rain. AMAZING. It's under 100 degrees today. Such perfection.
2. Choosing this boy over people who don't matter and only brought me down. See my face in this picture, I'M HAPPY. He rocks.
3. Being just as cool today as we were sophomore year in sports bras taking stupid pictures in my room.
4. Having two people in my life (the ones in glasses duh) who are the most understanding people who listen to me vent more than anyone who just might be leaving me soon. :( I miss you two so much.
5. Being able to Blackberry Message my best friend like 3000 miles away. :)
6. Knowing that the other half of the dynamic duo is coming home in 2 WEEKS and I get to meet her wonderful parents!!
7. Having four followers and even more readers than I can count.
8. Taking out lots of clients.
9. Baking a lot of cupcakes of course AND getting Millie May as a surprise from Trey. (She's my fabulous mixer)
10. Just being genuinely happy with my life.
8. Taking out lots of clients.
9. Baking a lot of cupcakes of course AND getting Millie May as a surprise from Trey. (She's my fabulous mixer)
10. Just being genuinely happy with my life.
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