Communication Love.
Happy 50 posts! This is so exciting. :) No, I'm not doing anything quite special. This will be a quick invitation to invite you into my world off my blog. I hope I'm not opening up a can of worms for all the people who hate me, who happen to read this to start up on the bad mouthing again, but I can't stop anyone. I typically abide by "if you have nothing nice to say to someone, don't say anything at all," but I'm not most people. I've created a new formspring off this blog. I'm also inviting anyone to become email pen pals with me. It will be a welcome change from the advertisement emails I get because getting any kind of mail excites me. :) And I've absolutely loved talking to Malori even if it was just a few informational emails. I also have tumblr which is fun too. There is also one other venue of communication I'm inviting you to, twitter. I'm quite real on twitter, what you see is what you get. It's fun though. Please feel free to ask me questions, email me, and follow me on twitter/tumblr!
Have a happy Tuesday. I know I will because we're on game 2/3 for this week today for the girls! Okay, just a quick update! We currently have a record of 2-3. We've had some really rough teams and our confidence/attitudes have really suffered. I've truly become a motivational speaker of sorts. Yesterday we won which was great and I hope to have two more wins at the end of the week to move us up in the rankings. And of course if only to boost the girls confidence in their abilites! :)(My Varsity team)
awe. i love your blog. you look a lot like one of my good friends. you are just SO cute!!!
Aw thanks so much! :) it means a lot.