I'm a City girl.
I think it's become quite evident through my searching that I'm 156% a City girl. After looking at all these schools on College Board, looking at schools with Gamma Phi chapters, and talking to Malori, I'm being drawn heavily to cities. I don't know if it's the culture, the shopping, the freedom, the buildings, the atmosphere, or what. I think all of the above. My heart is currently being torn in about 20 directions. Cool. my indecisiveness will never cease to amaze me in every form of my life.
Here's my top 5 cities so far. (Without names of course and in no specific order)
Pretty obvious though. :) I'm trying not to limit myself with just one or two schools in those places, but looking at a lot of different options. I don't even know what I want to major in, so that's not a factor at the moment. I know people say it's not the destination, but the journey, but I don't always believe in that especially not in this journey. It will always be all about the destination for me. I think I would happy in any of those 5 cities too even though they're literally all over the map. It's all about falling in love with where I live and I could easily do that in any of those places. It's good to currently have the support of Trey and my dad and stepmom. We talked about it all through dinner and I could tell they're happy for me and it excites me. I have barely anything else on my mind because I can't even wait till everything about this falls into place. YES YES YES.

P.S. I hope you're enjoying the constantly updated video status updates of my cute little face(jk! ha) that are located right up there to the left! ;)
sorry. i was on a long excursion this weekend. camping, fishing etc...and i haven't been to my blog for a little while but i have noticed that you're a new follower!!! welcome to allisterbee!! thank you so much for following! i'm excited to get to know you through your blog as well!! i'm a follower tooooooO!!!
hi, i miss you. we haven't talked in forever. but reading your blog makes me sooo happy for you. i really hope you find somewhere that makes you so super happy. i was walking along my street today taking pictures and there were a ton of boxes on the side of the road filled with books upon books upon books. it made me think of you and how much i miss your face :) and i grabbed a TON. so come visit me please and take some... <3